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#8 | 07.04.2024
What skills will I have after I finish the Mastering AI in AEC course?

Reading time: 3,5 minutes.


  1. I'm sharing the 3 main skillsets you'll gain after finishing the upcoming Mastering AI in AEC course.
  2. I'll be launching the details on the launch date and the price in the upcoming emails.
  3. And I'm working around the clock on the launch - which is why I'll keep future emails shorter than usual.


Dear Friends - Welcome to the 8th edition of the Mastering AI in AEC waitlist! (For earlier versions, please see the end of this email.)

This week, I'm explaining all the AI skills you will gain after you finish the upcoming Mastering AI in AEC course.

So, let's get right into it:


1. Fundamental Knowledge of AI in AEC

A couple of days ago, I spoke with a professor at very respected UK university who asked me a great question:

'What can I teach my students today in regards to AI, that will last them throughout their career?'

What an amazing question!

After a few long seconds, I thought of an answer to it:

In short, the most important thing anyone can learn today is to accept the AI mindset - the mindset of openness to change, openness to technology, and openness to the challenges of its implementation.

However, the mindset alone isn't telling the whole story.

The true answer lies within core AI concepts - the concepts that will stay true regardless of AI development.

There's a few of them and I will be explaining them throughout the lessons in the course.

So, by finishing the Mastering AI in AEC course you will gain:

  • Knowledge of the best AI apps in the AEC
  • Insight in how these apps can be used in your work
  • A list of the best AI apps in the AEC (and apps for higher productivity)
  • Use cases and examples of AI examples in all three sides of the AEC
  • Core AI concepts to last you throughout your career
  • And knowledge about everything else I listed in the course agenda.


2. AI Implementation

In my research with more than 750+ answers from AEC professionals, AI implementation came on top as the biggest problem people face.

(I wrote in more detail about it in this email.)

This shouldn't come as a shock as, after all, technology can be magical - but it's worthless if it's not used in real life examples.

In my career, I've tried implementing change in many instances. 

Some of those tries were very successful, but some weren't.

Regardless, all of these tries brought me great lessons on change implementation that I can't wait to share in the course!

This is why I'm dedicating a whole module to AI implementation - as I know that this is a crucial issue in the industry.

By going through this module, you will learn:

  • What is AI implementation all about and how to strategize about it all
  • Different tactics for change implementation and what to consider
  • Crucial methods and insights for a successful outcome.


3. Understanding of the AEC as a whole

I've been incredibly blessed in my life.

One of those blessings came in the form of my studies.

For my bachelor degree, I studied Architectural Technology & Construction Management, or as I like to explain it:

'Something between an architect and an engineer.'

I always liked the degree I pursued, because the crucial thing it has given me is to understand both the architects and the engineers.

And what about construction?

  1. Well, I had a long practical internship in construction - working on bridges in Norway and Turkey.
  2. After the internship, my degree allowed me to get a job at Europe's largest engineering company called Sweco, where I worked as a BIM Coordinator for 3 years - working with both structures and MEP.
  3. After that, I was lucky enough to get a job at BIG - one of the world's most famous architectural offices as a Project BIM Lead.

In short - I've experienced all three sides of the AEC - and I have seen the challenges each of those sides faces in their work.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because what my career has allowed me is to get a great understanding of the AEC as a whole and my goal with the course is to translate this knowledge to all of you.

(With, of course, AI and technology in focus.)

And why do I believe this is important?

Because today, after having worked on all three sides of the AEC, I can say that I'm a better architect/engineer/constructor than I ever was - all because of the understanding of 'the other side'.

And my belief is that if we have more people with this kind of a broad understanding - we will solve AEC challenges in a much easier way and move forward as a single entity.

And not as separate teams.

And I simply hope that you too understand the importance of this.


Until next time:

  1. As you're probably aware, I'm working to launch this course as soon as possible.
  2. More on the specifics of the exact launch date and the price in the upcoming emails.
  3. And that's why I'll keep the future emails short - but they will answer all the key questions you might have!


Thank you for being a part of the AI in AEC journey and have a blessed day!

