Dear Friend - Welcome!
After analysing more than 700+ answers in the survey I sent out a month and a half ago, I have created the agenda of the Mastering AI in AEC course!
It was a difficult thing to do, really. The AEC is complex and each and every one of us has a different problem - so my aim changed from solving all the problems to teaching you the skills to solve those problems.
The Mastering AI in AEC course is shaped in such a way to give every single participant the strong fundamental base in AI, an AI 101 you can say, that will serve as a foundational base for years to come.
Without the course, learning and mastering AI will be chaotic and unorganized, without knowing what's truly worth the time and what isn't.
With the course, you'll gain AI in AEC skills and knowledge that you can use immediately, or build on top of them if you want to go a step further.
As you might know, this course is aimed at Change Makers - the people who understand why we need AI, but want to learn how they can practically use it in their work and lives and how to create meaningful and positive change in their environments.
1. The Agenda
Without further ado, this is the agenda of the Mastering AI in AEC course:

(If the image is blurry on your screen, you can find it on the AEC AI Hub.)
As you can see, there will be 9 chapters:
- Introduction
- Fundamentals
- AI for Productivity
- AI for Everyone
- AI for Architecture
- AI for Engineering
- AI for Construction
- AI Implementation
- Extras
These chapters together form a comprehensive view of AI in AEC, enabling you to go from zero to an AI hero in a span of a few hours.
Each of the chapters has 3 sections, covering a wide span of topics and technologies. Moreover, I aimed to bring value immediately by focusing on Fundamentals and (personal) Productivity at the start, going deeper through each side of the AEC, and wrapping things up with practical AI Implementation methods, tactics, and tips.
Moreover, the chapters are full of immediate use cases, best tools, and methods on AI usage and implementation across the AEC, making you more knowledgeable on the whole industry.
2. Software Training
Currently, we are in the phase of AI where there's not a single AI app to rule them all, yet a phase where AI innovation far supersedes what the market can handle at once.
And this is why I don't plan on teaching software training (i.e. where to click to get what) - I plan to teach on understanding the opportunities, knowing use cases, and being aware of challenges of the best AI apps.
Moreover, I believe the time where we needed years to learn software is over - all AI apps I ever used have taken me less than an hour or two to get really good at using.
So, if you're hoping to becoming a Midjourney superuser - this course might not be for you.
However, if you're hoping to get fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding of where we are with AI, how it can help us today, the best apps, great examples, and a lot more - you're in the right place.
3. Practical Questions
When I launched my company on the 1st of February, and this waitlist a bit after, I promised to answer many practical questions about the Mastering AI in AEC course.
This week, I received a great email from one of you, with some great questions I just thought to address immediately:
- Do I need to have any background knowledge before enrolling in the course?
No, this course is structured in such a way to tell a whole AI in AEC story, for both beginners and experienced users.
- Will I have to learn Python or Dynamo to be able to go through the course?
No. I myself am not a programmer, but use and consult on AI daily. Knowing these programs helps, but it's definitely not a necessity. What you need is a will to learn, an open mind, and an internet connection.
- What will be the duration of the course?
Most likely a few hours. It's hard to say exactly, given I'm just starting to create the presentations and record the chapters.
- Do I need paid subscriptions of AI apps for the course?
In general, no. We will go through many apps, most of which offer a free version or free trials. I will be mentioning the options for some of the apps while teaching, but of course, the paid versions of apps do give you full AI options.
- How well can I manage my projects using AI?
This depends on many factors - which projects you want to manage, which tech stack you currently use, and of course your skills, role, and goals. However, I do believe that every single person who takes the course will find a way to implement AI in their specific situation in one way or another.
- Will there be a certification for the course?
Yes, I plan to issue certificates for all those who finish the course - but I still need to set up the platform where I'm hosting the course.
Alongside these, I know you must have questions about the price, launch date, and other practical things. I will be answering those in the upcoming weekly waitlist emails, but if you happen to have any other burning questions beforehand - let me know by replying to this email.
As I said before, I'm not a marketer nor a sales guy - I'm a guy who was in the AEC trenches for years, and now, drawing on the years of experience from some of the world's most prestigious companies - I'm doing my best to package and share this knowledge with each and every one of you - as I know that true change only happens at scale.
Until next time:
- I will create an in-depth review of the agenda and the course around the launch date. However, if you have specific comments or questions to the agenda before then, respond to this email and let me know.
- In 10 days, I'm having another free webinar to talk about AI in AEC, but this time with Nicolas from BIM Pure! If you'd like me/us to address something specific, let me know and I'll do my best to squeeze it in.
Next weekend, I'll talk more on why this course will stay relevant for a long time to come, despite AI being so quickly changed and developed.
Until then, have a blessed week!