Dear Friend - Thank You!
Sometime during the last two weeks, you wrote down your email after filling out a survey I made, and I truly appreciate you taking the time!
The survey helped me understand your vision of AI, your needs and wants for the upcoming course, and the overwhelming majority of you answered YES! to the question of whether you'd be interested in a comprehensive AI in AEC course - and I therefore started building it! 
So in this email, I wanted to explain what I imagined for the Mastering AI in AEC course, so you know what to expect from me in the coming weeks:
1. The Mission
You're most likely here because you too believe that AI can help change the AEC industry for the better by:
- Increasing our creativity
- Making us more productive
- Organizing and structuring data
- Identifying our potential blind spots
- Brainstorming with us and our ideas
- Assisting us to deliver work of higher quality
- Summarizing and extracting crucial information
- Helping us research, recognize, and understand
- And allowing us to reach our overarching AEC goals!
I truly believe AI can help us to solve the deep-rooted issues of the AEC, and I aim to assist as many of you as possible to master AI, implement it, and even develop it in your own work and your companies.
(I've already started with that, and it's been incredibly rewarding.)
I believe that only by approaching this technological revolution together can we benefit as a society and prosper beyond our imagination.
And this is why I'm building the Mastering AI in AEC digital course:
I want to assist every AEC professional in acquiring future-ready AI skills, with a practical course full of expert knowledge, amazing AI tools, and relevant industry insights.
2. The Plan
Over the next weeks, as I'm developing the Mastering AI in AEC course, I'll aim to answer as many questions about it beforehand.
Because I believe in honesty, transparency, and true value, and I want everyone to know what they're signing up for before they click the 'buy' button.
Here are just some of questions I'll be answering in these emails:
- What will be taught inside the Mastering AI in AEC course?
- How is this course different, and what will I get out of it?
- Will the things I learn stay relevant for years to come?
- Who is the course made for, and who is it not for?
- Will you be able to help me outside the course?
- What skills will I have after I finish the course?
- Why should I believe in your expertise?
- How much will the course cost?
- When will the course launch?
- Why is now the right time?
...and anything else you might deem important to answer (feel free to respond to this email to ask!).
Those who know me personally know that I don't beat around the bush - I speak directly and honestly - and I aim to have that same approach here.
Moreover, I'm not a marketer, a sales guy, or unrealistic about AI - I've been in the AEC industry for years, experiencing all three sides of it, and understanding the problems we deal with. During the last year and a half I've delved deep into AI and cutting-edge tech to see if and how it can help us solve them.
So with that in mind, what you can look forward to is a:
- Weekly email of this sort - answering your possible questions
- Regular LinkedIn updates on tools, happenings, and insights
- Once-in-a while free webinar explaining AI stuff (see below)
- Person writing these emails (not AI), and of course
- Free updates to the AEC AI Hub!
My ultimate goal is to create lasting change in this wonderful industry of ours, and I'd love for the people with that same ambition to join me on this journey.
3. The Next Steps
As always, I'll do my best to bring value, inspiration, and education in my emails, posts, and webinars.
Moreover, I'll aim to be as practical as possible, as I believe that most of us are practical people with practical problems.
This is not to say I won't be speculating on what the ultimate impact of AI on the world might be (I definitely will), but I am saying that I value your time and energy - and I want to give you as much value as possible in return.
As a start, in next week's email, I will be sharing the results of the Survey with you.
(Don't worry - no personal data will be shared.)
I find the results to be very valuable, and given you're helping me shape this course, I believe this is the least I could do as a thank you.
In the meantime though, here are a few practical things you can do:
- Sign up for a free webinar I'm hosting with Ignacy from BIM Corner on Thursday, the 22nd of February.
- Reply to this email, if you have a question about the course that you'd like answered before the launch (I read every email).
- Check out the updated AI in AEC homepage, where I added 3 potential ways of assisting you with AI while building the course.
We all need each other to truly succeed in life - and I'm beyond grateful you decided to join me on this journey. Thank you and have a blessed day!