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#4 | 14.09.2024

Which AI course is right for you?


Reading time: 3 minutes.


  1. Discovering AI in AEC is focused on those who want to understand AI fundamentals, get best use cases, and quickly level up their AI skills.
  2. Mastering AI in AEC is focused on mid-level to pros who want to learn everything there is about AI in AEC, see the best demos, and acquire crucial AI skills for the future.
  3. Both courses come with FREE updates and FREE lifetime access - with no subscriptions or extra payments!


Dear Friends! 

After a great trip to Norway where I first held a whole-day AI workshop for 30 people and then a great knowledge-sharing meeting with AEC companies, I'm back in Copenhagen and focused on course creation again!

During my flights, I created a couple of cool things I'm sure you'll find relevant:

- 100 Must-Know AEC AI Apps (a curated list taken from the 1300+ in the AEC AI Hub) - which will be a bonus for Discovering AI in AEC course takers!

- Discovering AI in AEC Agenda (which I'll publish next week) - so just a bit more patience!

In this email, I wanted to share the difference between the 2 courses I currently offer, so you can make a calculated choice on what's right for you.

So, let's get right into it with a detailed breakdown:

 1. Discovering AI in AEC

With a focus on teaching AI Fundamentals, this course is aimed at beginners and those who want to truly understand how AI works.

I plan to cover many 'sensitive' topics around AI, such as ethics, energy consumption, and data security, but also to give you the immense benefits AI brings to the table.

It's crucial to have a balanced view of AI, as otherwise we're risking over-reliance on technology we know little about.

So if you're looking for the best place to start learning AI, get fundamental understanding that will serve you for years to come, see demos of some great AI apps from a credible source, and all this for a very affordable price - this is the right course for you.


2. Mastering AI in AEC

When I started my firm 7 months ago, I had one goal:

Package up all practical AI knowledge I had from some of the world's best companies (where I worked), my own AI research, and create a single A-Z product:

And that's how Mastering AI in AEC came to be.

The first launch in May had more than 150+ people join with incredible reviews.

However, I decided to make this course even better for version 2.0 - launching later this year:

- Added AI-driven AEC workflows

- Added relevant demos

- Added AI strategy

...and a lot more!

This course is aimed at those who already understand AI fundamentals, might have used ChatGPT, Midjourney and similar apps, but want to get to the next level:

Those who want to learn everything there is about AI in the AEC!

At the finish line, upon course completion, they become AI experts.

Doesn't that sounds good?


3. Bonuses & Benefits

For both the courses, the idea is to offer great value for a fair price. That's why both courses come with included bonuses and benefits - and those are incredibly relevant and have immense value on their own.

For example, both courses come with a special Notion page listing best resources for further learning, research, and AI implementation.

As mentioned before, Discovering AI in AEC will only cost 99€ - in this first launch.

Mastering AI in AEC will be more expensive, as it has more value packed in.

However - both courses come with lifetime access and lifetime updates - meaning no subscriptions or extra payments.

This means that should you choose to enroll, you only pay once and get lifetime benefits free of charge.

Unlike most online businesses which turn everything into subscriptions, I decided to got he opposite way.

Moreover, given I understand that real change can only happen at scale - both courses comes with discounts for low-income countries. These are based on country's GDP per capita numbers and make the price fair for everyone in the world.

Finally, I know I offer both courses under their real market value.


Because I'm in this for the change first - and everything else second.

It's the only way the AEC industry can move forward.


Next week, I'll share the agenda of Discovering AI in AEC - in a bit of a special email edition.

Have a great weekend ahead and speak to you soon!




This is the 4th launch email of Discovering AI in AEC.

Missed any of the previous ones?

Find them here:

  1. 30-Jun-24 | 3 Quick Notes from AI in AEC
  2. 31-Aug-24 | The Future of AI in AEC
  3. 07-Sep-24 | When AI Becomes Law