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#3 | 07.09.2024

When AI Becomes Law

 Reading time: 3 minutes.


  1. The EU AI Act, a first law of its kind, requires companies using AI to offer sufficient AI training to their employees. Discovering AI in AEC aims to fill that gap for the already-too-busy AEC.
  2. The AI Convention, a document signed by 46 countries on September 5th, will be covered in the course as well.
  3. Those who enroll to Discover AI in AEC when it launches will get lifetime updates and lifetime access to the course for FREE.


Dear Friends! 

AI is the biggest technological advancement we've seen in a decade.

And from the 2nd of February 2025, knowing AI will become required by law*.

More precisely, what will become law is having sufficient AI training IF you're using AI, and with 75% of knowledge workers using AI daily - companies will soon need to provide them with said training.

Now here's the issue:

Most companies don't have the means to create this AI training.

And when I say "most companies", I mean the small companies which in the US constitute 98% of all architecture firms and 99% of all engineering firms (source).

(In Europe, the situation is quite similar, with 90% of engineering firms being small (source).)

This is where Discovering AI in AEC comes in.

But, which law am I speaking about?

Let's get right into it:


1. EU AI Act

The first law of its kind in the world, the EU AI Act is a law that came into power on August 1st 2024, with subsequent steps coming into power from 2nd of February 2025.

It's a law that separates AI systems into 4 risk categories and I wrote more about it a few days ago on LinkedIn.

In Discovering AI in AEC, I will go into more depth on this law, but one of the crucial parts of it is Article 4 of Chapter 1, which requires any company developing, deploying, or using AI to offer sufficient AI training to its employees.

If companies don't do this - fines of €7.5 million are at stake.

Crazy, I know...

But that's what the law says.

And while this law is pretty vague in many parts, one thing is for certain - AI is not a side skill any longer - it's soon going to be a required skill.

And with 66% of leaders saying they WOULDN'T hire someone without AI skills - AI training is crucial.


2. AI Convention

Even though the EU AI Act applies to all EU companies and those who work with EU companies - it still isn't truly global.

But this Convention is:

A couple of days ago, the AI Convention got signed by the UK, US, Israel, Andorra, Iceland, Norway, Moldova, the whole EU and 12 more countries.

It's a document focusing on responsible AI development and usage - but keeping the human at the forefront.

Same as the EU AI Act, the AI Convention will be covered in the new course, as it's showing how the world's leaders aren't blind to technological advancements.

Instead, they are ALL IN on AI.

It's now time for the AEC to join in on it too.


3. Discovering AI in AEC

Behind the scenes, I'm working on packaging the course into a one-stop-shop for learning AI fundamentals and getting insights on responsible AI implementation.

My idea is to create a course not only covering the legal documents mentioned above, but also being that necessary AI training that most AEC firms will need.

When I was a kid, my father taught me that if you decide to do something - you either do it 100%, all the way, to the end, the best way you can - or you don't do it at all.

With that said, I just want to accentuate that for any work I do - I always do my best and make it high-quality.

Judging by these testimonials, this was recognized by the Mastering AI in AEC course takers, and I will do my best to have the same result, if not better, for Discovering AI in AEC.

Remember - all those who enroll in my courses get lifetime access and lifetime updates included.

And the same will be for Discovering AI in AEC.


Next week, I'll share the differences between the 2 courses I offer - so you can make a calculated decision on which one is right for you.

But I can tell you this now - even though there are no official AI certifications as of yet, I aim to get all my courses certified with the most important continuing education organizations. More on this to come.

Have a great weekend ahead and speak soon!



This is the 3rd launch email of Discovering AI in AEC.

Missed any of the previous ones?

Find them here:

  1. 30-Jun-24 | 3 Quick Notes from AI in AEC
  2. 31-Aug-24 | The Future of AI in AEC