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#2 | 31.08.2024

The Future of AI in AEC

 Reading time: 4 minutes.


  1. AI Upskilling Masterclass has changed its name to Discovering AI in AEC - and will launch very soon (in a few weeks)! I'll send the updates right here via email.
  2. Mastering AI in AEC, my first highly acclaimed course, will be updated and launched in the late 2024 - stay tuned to learn more!
  3. The future of the AI in AEC is focused on education - but more might be in store for next year... Will share as soon as the right time comes!


Dear Friends! 

I hope you had a great summer and are ready to tackle the last third of 2024 with high energy, intrinsic motivation, and AI (of course)!

Back when I worked at Sweco, we called the last 4 months of the year 'the production months', given how many companies realize how little time is left of the year and need to reach their budgeted and planned goals ASAP.

That is why, in this email, I wanted to share what you can expect from AI in AEC in the fall of 2024.

So, let’s get right into it:


1. Discovering AI in AEC

As announced in my last email before the summer holidays, I am working on a foundational AI course called AI Upskilling Masterclass.

Over the summer, I decided to rename the course to Discovering AI in AEC, as I wanted to reflect the focus on the AEC industry - as well as stay true to my naming pattern.

And don't worry - the course will still be 'an AI Upskilling Masterclass'.

Discovering AI in AEC will cover many relevant questions many of you might have about AI:

  • How do I get started with AI?
  • What are some quick wins I can have with AI?
  • How do I protect my data when dealing with AI?
  • What are the most common use cases of AI in AEC?
  • How will AEC roles of the future be changed with AI?
  • Are there any AI-related laws I need to be aware of before deploying AI?
  • What are some of the crucial skills I can develop to make sure I'm ready for the future of AI?

The goal of the course is to give every course taker foundational AI knowledge that you can use over and over in the years to come.

From next Saturday, you'll learn a lot more about the course, its agenda, who's it for and what you can expect to gain from it - as well as when it's going to launch (sooner than you think!).

But one thing is clear - the course will cost only 99€ (with a potential discount if you're based in a low-income country).


2. Mastering AI in AEC

In mid-May this year, I launched my first product ever - the Mastering AI in AEC course with more than 150+ happy customers.

Since the launch, I've spoken to many of them, learning how to improve it even more - and I even had a whole survey done about it.

Moreover, I've spoken with some of the best AI companies out there - and they have promised to film a demo specifically for the future release of this course!

All is to say - I can't wait to share more about what I have in store for those of you who want to level up your skills in AI in AEC beyond the foundations, beyond the trends - and find the real value in AI - as well as how to implement it in your work and your company.

I will share more details on Mastering AI in AEC after the launch of Discovering AI in AEC, so stay tuned on this email waitlist not to miss the updates!


3. The Future of AI in AEC

My last email was sent from Los Angeles and today I'm messaging you from Copenhagen. 

However, I spent my summer in my hometown of Proložac Donji, a small village in southern Croatia...

(And believe me when I say that a day doesn't go by when I'm not thanking God for how far He's taken me.)

This is an incredible perspective I was blessed with:

  • How following my passion for the AEC
  • My calling to share knowledge
  • And my exploration of AI

Has led me so far in life.

I wish the same for all of you - and hope you'll find the value in what I teach and use the knowledge to come further - faster.


With that said, I'm doubling down on what works - and I can say that the future of AI in AEC is focused on education.

IMO, there's very little point in having knowledge if you're not sharing it - or not utilizing it to solve real-world problems.

My mission is to bring cutting-edge AI knowledge to all interested AEC Professionals - worldwide, and even from 2025 I have some very exciting news to share.

But - more on that in a few months. 😉

For now, this is the game plan: 

  • First, Discovering AI in AEC launches, focusing on teaching foundational AI knowledge and most common AI use cases
  • Secondly, Mastering AI in AEC relaunches, focusing on teaching advanced AI skills and showcasing the full power of AI
  • Thirdly - 2025 comes and I publish a new roadmap for you to know about!

So if that sounds exciting to you, I can't wait to speak with you next week.

Have a great day ahead and all the best!
